Six cunning ideas for getting the Christmas gift you want
It's the time of year when your significant other, or loved one, really wants to get you something you'll love but what!? A minuscule amount of people will have carefully filed away an idea based on a remark you made six months ago. But, let's face it, most of us are stressing out.
So do your loved ones a solid and drop a few hints. Here are some ideas.
1. Leave a tab open on his browser
2. Send him an email by 'mistake' that was 'really' meant for a friend gushing about an item
3. Go to the Facebook page, leave a comment on the item 'Oh I love this' and tag them
4. Do they read in the loo? Leave a print out of the item lying about. This one can work in other places where they stop i.e. coffee table in front of TV?
5. Get a friend to drop a hint*
6. Pop a discount voucher on the fridge^
* I have this 'drop a hint' service. It goes like this. You give me their email or phone number plus your wish list. I send a message, as your friend, saying how much you liked this item. It's that simple. Use the contact form.
^ Sign up for my newsletter (bottom of home page) and I'll send you a discount code. Print and display prominently.
You are so very welcome
May all your Christmas wishes come true!!